I guess Greece isn't interested in staying in the E.U. Honestly, if a mostly Catholic country like Spain can allow gay marriages, an Orthodox country like Greece can do it too. And for those people who say that gays can take advantage of the system by getting married, plenty of heterosexual marriages are farces - maybe we should ban all marriage.
Let's see if it sticks. There are glimmers of rationality on the horizon - they governor of New York is seeking to recognize gay marriages that occur in other jurisdictions. This change is happening too slowly for me.
Although I agree with your article on this issue, and support any person wanting to get married, I might ask you to be careful about calling the Greek leader of the Supreme court an As*hole even if it is done passively. From what I've read, Greek blogs don't have the same freedoms as blogs abroad.
Good post, but please be careful so you don't get in trouble.
1)Sanidas is not a law maker, he is a prosecutor.If something is against the law he has the obligation, not just the right, to enforce the law.
2)If you want to compare Greece to another EU country, especially if you are talking about religion, then compare it to Italy, not Spain.
3)I don't think the EU cares that much about this issue as you make it out to be.If it did, then there would be european legislation with regards to the matter.So, i really doubt our EU membership is at stake.
And by the way, the EU has a lot more serious problems to deal with in other EU country members to even make recommendations to Greece about this issue.Let alone consider other measures.
Well, it's called hypocrisy. A hobby lots of my compatriots tend to exercise these days. And once more we are just gonna get ridiculed in the EU to finally get forced to respect the elementary human rights of a big part of this country's population. It's a shame.
But i am sure, even if the church or the neo-conservative government reacts, the victory is close for this matter.
Let's see if it sticks. There are glimmers of rationality on the horizon - they governor of New York is seeking to recognize gay marriages that occur in other jurisdictions. This change is happening too slowly for me.
Although I agree with your article on this issue, and support any person wanting to get married, I might ask you to be careful about calling the Greek leader of the Supreme court an As*hole even if it is done passively. From what I've read, Greek blogs don't have the same freedoms as blogs abroad.
Good post, but please be careful so you don't get in trouble.
Just a few thoughts.
1)Sanidas is not a law maker, he is a prosecutor.If something is against the law he has the obligation, not just the right, to enforce the law.
2)If you want to compare Greece to another EU country, especially if you are talking about religion, then compare it to Italy, not Spain.
3)I don't think the EU cares that much about this issue as you make it out to be.If it did, then there would be european legislation with regards to the matter.So, i really doubt our EU membership is at stake.
And by the way, the EU has a lot more serious problems to deal with in other EU country members to even make recommendations to Greece about this issue.Let alone consider other measures.
Well, it's called hypocrisy. A hobby lots of my compatriots tend to exercise these days. And once more we are just gonna get ridiculed in the EU to finally get forced to respect the elementary human rights of a big part of this country's population. It's a shame.
But i am sure, even if the church or the neo-conservative government reacts, the victory is close for this matter.
> maybe we should ban all marriage.
I mean, think about it: married people enjoy benefits that single people do not. Isn't this a discrimination against single persons?
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