Friday, June 17, 2005

If there is a God, please don't let Frist run for President...

Ok, I am not a political genius of any kind, I consider myself to know very little about politics. Sure, I have opinions on issues that become hot topics for politicos, but I don't consider myself a political person. I vote based on very sincere judgment of the candidates, and that is the extent of my political reality.

My biggest reality, being an American in Europe, is how Europeans react to America and the state I come from, Tennessee. Ok, so the America part isn't going too well right now - Bush and Iraq and every other big mess that is contrary to European belief - but the Tennessee part is still good. The southern drawl has its own personality, a nuance all its own, but first and foremost, you tell someone you are from Tennessee, and the response "ah yes, Jack!" I am perfectly happy to come from the state that is known for Jack Daniels. I'm relatively ok coming from the city known as Music City, but I DO NOT WANT to be known as the girl from the same state as Frist.

This post on Nashville blog Pith in the Wind gives one of the reasons, and I'd rather not think of the many more reasons that will rear their ugly little heads between now and 2008.


egalia said...

Great post. I almost wish he would run, he's such a charisma-less fool, a poor speaker, and most of all, he just doesn't have the cowboy kickass-ness that Republicans require in their presidents. In my view, he'd be a sure loser.

melusina said...

Well, he *does* have a couple of years for Bush to "teach him the ropes". I just don't know if America can stand another Republican term. I don't know if Europe can stand it either.