Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Welcome to the EU!

Bulgaria and Romania will join the EU 25 member states in January - a year earlier than anticipated. While I am happy to have new MySpace Friends new EU neighbors, to be accepted as a MySpace Friend EU member strict criteria must be met and maintained.

Some of the terms Bulgaria and Romania must meet as new members of the EU group include:

no bulletin spam cut back on organized crime
don't post obscene pictures in the group forum cut out corruption

and, last but not least

don't ask random people to join the group set higher food safety standards

Gee, looking at that list I have to wonder how Greece is still in the EU, seeing that we can't seem to go a week without a new corruption scandal here. And I won't even talk about the disgusting stuff they are finding in grocery stores/markets. I suppose being an original member has its benefits, not to mention the inclusion of a bunch of eastern European countries in 2004 made Greece's problems look much slighter.

I wish Bulgaria and Romania the best of luck in working to meet these criteria. One look at Greece and you'll see it isn't easy. But you better try hard, lest you get removed from the group.


Tim said...

Norway & Iceland are amongst the few holding out.

Anonymous said...

Not sure if the EU membership has any advantages on a long run. Not economicly, nor politicaly.

Having said that: Greece is a part of the EU, true, but it's also part of south Europe. Greek menthality is in many ways like the menthality of it's neighbours.