Wednesday, August 01, 2007

It doesn't take much

Every time I walk into the room, my husband is playing this video. Ok, so it is pretty funny the first few times, but after one thousand nine hundred and twenty nine times it is just another nail in the dork coffin. And it isn't just the plain ol' dramatic chipmunk/prairie dog, it is all the spoofs with the godforsaken creature. Stupid viral videos. The internet is a blessing and a curse. Especially when it is used for evil.


Anonymous said...

LOL- I am guilty of forwarding this one. . .

Tim said...

Ah yes, tis dorky - but did you see the version where he's Dr. Evil? That really tickles my dorkish funny bone.

melusina said...

Haha Nicole. Well it is worth a look, even a few looks. But not non-stop!

Tim, the Dr. Evil spoof is the only good one!