Saturday, April 08, 2006

My thoughts are with my home state

Tennessee, I'm worried about you. This is the second harsh storm system to pass your way in a week, and it seems that there is more to come over the next couple of weeks. The news is startling enough that it made the local news here in Greece, about 5 minutes of coverage on this evening's news broadcast, full of pictures of the devastation in the Hendersonville/Gallatin area I knew well enough. My thoughts are with all those who have lost loved ones to these storms over the past few days.

Take care of yourself, Tennessee, protect your citizens, young and old. You may be a red state, but I still of think of you as home.


christina said...

Wishing Tennessee all the best...

Tracie P. said...

yikes, i went through the same thing when the eye of hurr. rita passed over my hometown last year--i am sending my best thoughts that way. keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

zardoz says:

hope everything goes well
for all tenesseans , and
adjoing states.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mel, my family and I live in Hendersonville 1/4 mi. from the path. We just had our power restored yesterday afternoon. We were very lucky because my son attends the Middle School that it went right by! My uncle lives on the island of Samos, Greece in Koumaradei. He is originally from Nashville, TN and now runs a gift shop on the island with his significant other who is from Greece. Small world :) Just wanted to say "Hello".

melusina said...

Thanks for the wishes all. It is a terrible thing, being thousands of miles away and watching pictures of places you know get torn up like that.

Jennifer, it is indeed a small world! I bet life on Samos is grand, although generally speaking I'm not fond of the inconveniences of island life. I'd have to come to the mainland in winter! You should get to Samos and visit him though, if you haven't already. Best thing to do is take advantage when friends and family live overseas! I'm glad you and your family escaped the bad weather unscathed, at least it didn't take a whole week to get your power back like I was reading on the news! Here's hoping the remainder of tornado season is calm.