My husband and I were out and about this evening and he pointed out a t-shirt a young man was wearing. Now, I realize that all sorts of sundry messages are printed on t-shirts, many of them obscene, but this one was a doozy.
The shirt had a "construction sign" design on it, yellow with a black background, and it had the image of a man having sex with a girl in a very uncomfortable place (no, not the back of a Volkswagen). The slogan said "Back door maniac". I really couldn't care less whether someone is a back door maniac or not. I feel that people should be free to explore whatever sexual proclivities they may have, as long as it is consensual and they are adults. But I had to say I felt for this man's girlfriend, sitting across from her man with such a shirt. Not only does the shirt make a statement about the man, it makes a statement about the woman that is with him.
Still, and I think I speak for the world here, that is way more information than I ever want to know about a stranger.
Probably doesn't mean a thing... he prob saw this t-shirt in a store and thought it was hilarious. That's the only explination I can give for some of the wierd slogans on them.
Although I remember buying some FCUK (French Connection UK) t-shirts when they first came out cos I thought they were cool. In comparison, they are really pretty tame!
In this case, I assume there is no way he could not have known the meaning, but I am amazed how many times I see Greeks wearing t-shirts with slogans in English that have no idea what they mean.
Example 1: Flat chested lady wearing a shirt with "FRESH MELONS" across her ches.
EXAMPLE 2: Classy looking Lady with a shirt that says "I LOVE PUNK". I was so amazed by that that I asked her (in Greek) if she really liked PUNK and she had no idea what PUNK was but after I explained it, I believed she was shocked..
I could go on with many more. And, for what it's worth, I'm not bashing Greeks because I can't tell you how many shirts I've worn with Japanese/Chinese writing that I have no idea what the crap says...
I think you're trying to get more of those weird google hits, aren't you?
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, Wuzzy?
I spotted a lovely young man wearing the following t shirt two weeks ago--
"I'm ready to receive"
It made me look twice!
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