Saturday, June 03, 2006

This is what happens when adults hate... start hating too.

In a horrible news story that has shocked Greece, five children between the ages of 11 and 13 have been connected to the murder of an 11-year-old boy in Veria.

This sort of thing used to be quite rare in Greece. However, hateful attitudes among adults seem to be on the rise in Greece, especially among nationalists and anti-immigration proponents. Unfortunately, the attitudes of adults can be reflected in the actions of children.

Obviously, we don't know all the facts of the case yet, whether or not all five children were party to the murder or simply witnesses or what the motives are. But the murder of a child, no matter where or for what reason, is the type of thing that should stop us all and make us think.


teacher dude said...

My blood is boiling over this. I hate the way that no one in the media has the guts to state the obvious, that this was a hate crime.

It's the 600lb gorilla in the cage and everyone is saying, "what gorilla?"

Believe me, in towns like Verioa you can't fart without half the neighbourhood knowing, let alone murder a child in the centre of the town, next to the town hall, surrounded by appartment blocks !!!

Anonymous said...

I can't think of words for this story, it's so shocking. What can make kids become so evil?

As for the idea of race and immigration being the reason for this murder, I'm going to keep an open mind for the time being as the five children consist of two Greeks, two Romanians and one Albanian.

Anonymous said...

My ten year old is crying over this story. How can I explain the inexplicable to him? This breaks my heart. All of our hearts. Whatever the cause, the reason. There are no words...

Di Mackey said...

The media were clear that Belgium's most recent racist killings were incited by the rise in the extreme right here in Antwerpen. An 18 year old walked into a gun shop, bought a gun and ammunition, he left and began shooting anyone who looked like an immigrant ....

His family were shocked, his aunt (a politician for the extreme right) said he was raised in a non violent family, he wasn't even allowed a gun ... but his families political lineage goes right back to the war when his grandfather or great grandfather collaborated with the nazis ... racism is violence how to make people understand ...

Oh, and nothing seems to have been learned despite a public outcry and much conversation ... the Belgian papers were running a story just a few weeks later, the extreme right still held second place in the opinion polls.

Anonymous said...

I have been living in Greece for some 30 years. Having come from the United States, I myself have been subject to rude comments and even stone throwing.

I do not however believe that Alex was a victim of racisim. I don't doubt for a minute that his school mates made fun of him, being such an exceptional child that he was. I don't know about Greek schools but anyone having gone to an American public shcool, will have at least one story of being bullied around.

From the news coverage we've follwed these past 2 years, I have concluded that the children were downright mean, bad seed. Perhaps not all of them, but it seems the 2 Greek children were the ringleaders. Their harassing got out of hand, they injured Alex and turned to their elders for help, which they got. There is a lot of mention of at least one local policeman being involved in the coverup.

The fact that the boys have brazenly taunted Alex's mother on more than one occasion is proof enough that they are downright evil.

And yes, I also believe that the whole village is aware of what happened, but have kept their mouths shut as happens not only in Greek villages, but in most countries. People don't want to get involved, especially when there is rumour of a pedeophile ring being involved.

The court has now begun. Let's pray that the people who have played a role in this tragedy be properly punished. I have prayed that one of the children break down and at least confess where the poor childs body is but I am now sure that even they don't know. One of the audults got rid of it as if it was nothing more than roadkill. I doubt anyone will ever know.