Saturday, April 08, 2006

Who needs creativity, it's only porn

Tonight's porno selection on our satellite movie channel is entitled Riverted Rectums*. I can't even being to fathom what that might mean and, more importantly, how it might translate into porn, nor do I think I want to.

Don't you miss the days when porn titles were salacious, clever twists of more "civilized" fare - Little Oral Annie, Robin Wood, A Tale of Two Titties**. Pornographic movies used to have a spark of life to them, a bit of creativity. Now they are just porn, all glossy and dressed up. Which I suppose is fine, if that is what you are after. But honestly, can you beat One Flew Over the Cooter's Nest?

*sic the Greek translation, maybe the idea of reverted rectums bothered them too much
**Yes, yes, ok, I seem to know porn titles. I happened to pass a porno theater on my way to school every day. No, I wasn't walking to school. And this was back in the day when a respectable porno theater didn't raise any eyebrows.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Porn titles are funny...

* Drive this Miss Daisy

* Snatch (not the Brad Pit version)

* Good Will Humping

...and the list goes on.

As for your current confusion, sadly I think I can imagine exactly what kinda porn movie "Riverted Rectums" would be...

Oh well, I'm sure SeaWitch could probably offer her two cents on cool porn movie titles.

I'm not the kind to point fingers BUT she does make a living renting the stuff to the innocent people of Athens thus resulting in poluting their pure little minds.

However as I said, certainly not pointing fingers! :-)