Friday, March 17, 2006

Writers make the best snark

I can't get over the beautifully written rant by Annie Proulx about the sad, staid Academy voters and the disappointment over the Best Picture award going to safe favorite Crash.

Sour grapes? Maybe a little bit. Bitter truth is more like it. Only a writer safely tucked away from the specious faces of the city of Angels can be supercilious in the face of a Hollywood snub. I know I am not the only one who agrees with her biting snark.

Thank you, Annie, for saying it for us.

1 comment:

Tracie P. said...

hey mel, i wasn't too thrilled by crash either. everyone told me (upon my return) that i HAD to watch it, etc. yes, i was entertained enough, but i felt like the writers worked so hard to shove in every possible confrontation between all possible stereotypes followed by every possible "witty" reaction between the them. in the end, instead of a profound social statement, all i heard was one cliche' after another.