Saturday, February 04, 2006

More advice for men

If you make arrangements to eat Sunday dinner with your parents, please inform your wife so as to avoid the look of confusion and horror on her face when her mother-in-law starts a sentence with “When you come for dinner on Sunday...”


Rex L. Camino said...

Indeed, but the same can be said for wives and mothers in law who like to involve husbands in weekend activities and then not inform them of their impending involvement until late Friday afternoon.

Anonymous said...


Well thanks for the tips Mel. I'm keeping up to speed and writing all these down in preperation for when I'm married.

I feel by taking notice now while I'm still single, I can avoid committing marital faux pas when eventually some poor woman does have me for her husband.

Anonymous said...

zardoz says:
i will make a copy of your article

and show my wife, everytime

mother or mother-in-law,

get it into their heads to become


leaving the poor man giving

explanations to his wife for something

he might have muttered in the

prescence of the two mothers, that had

nothing at all to do with sunday dinner.

But greece being matriarcchial in all

its glory , still to this day produces


dear MELUSINA ,your advise has been heeded.
dear THANOS , courage mate, and have a word with your mother from time to time,maybe she can learn to bowl on
sundays as to make dinner , dont misunderstand , find something useful
for her to do on sundays,

maybe you can cook for them.
