Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Yay for chocolate!

Although seemingly inconclusive, the Dutch did a study of older men in the Netherlands and reported that eating the equivalent of 1/3 of a candy bar a day reduced blood pressure and risk of death.

The researchers say, however, it's too early to conclude it was chocolate that led to better health. The men who ate more cocoa products could have shared other qualities that made them healthier. Experts also point out that eating too much chocolate can make you fat - a risk for both heart disease and high blood pressure.

Well yes, that CAN be a problem. Even so, it seems that this is the largest study to show a possible link to the health benefits of chocolate consumption while also confirming the results of smaller, short term studies. The data was acquired over a decade on Dutch men who were 65 or older in 1985.

Unfortunately for us ladies, the study only included men, so it is uncertain whether or not the same benefits can be found in women. I'll just have to continue doing my own private studies on that one.


Chris Milam said...

If this is true, I'm well on my way to having 1/3 of the healthiest heart ever. The other 2/3 might be in trouble...

Thanks for the comment, and all the best to you in Greece!

Flubberwinkle said...

I am woman. Hear me CRUNCH.

I've been conducting my own personal experiment for many years. My first conclusions are in:

a) Chocolate makes women happy.
Very. Happy.

b) Chocolate makes women flabby. Perhaps, chubby.
A tad fat.
But who would want to be a thin ANGRY woman?

c) Chocolate has many options. White, dark, milk. The abundance in variety helps the taste buds stay in good shape.

c) Chocolate helps women cope with "heavy" stuff like PMS, bad hair days and an intense Smallville episode.

Chocolate will soon be coming out with a "thumbs up" from the Surgeon General on the wrapping. So, take two chocolates and call me in the morning.


christina said...

Oh yeah. I've got my lab all set up inside my kitchen cupboard.

Tracie P. said...

i am doing simultaneous studies on the health effects of chocolate as well as wine. then chocolate AND wine. though, i'm not sure if the study will ever conclude...