Saturday, July 23, 2005

Dissing Janis

How can it be that Janis Joplin isn't in the top 10 of VH1's 100 Greatest Women (she was number 29)? How can it be that J.Lo (#28) and Christina Aguilera (#23) are higher in the chart than Janis? Even Joni Mitchell didn't crack the top 20.

Wish I could find a link with the list. All they have on the VH1e site about it is this.

Of course we all know the European VH1 is the crappy VH1. We don't even get The Surreal Life!


deviousdiva said...

Surely this is a crime? CA and J.LO higher than JJ?? WHOA no way. JJ has my vote. I'm not an american so probaby I can't vote but.... JJ is the BOMB.

melusina said...

I actually don't know who (or what?) voted on the countdown, but they are obviously very, very wrong.

chez bez said...

That's the beauty of lists. They are all there for us to disagree with. Subjective, indeed.