Friday, July 08, 2005

If the other sheep jumped off a cliff, would you follow?

Apparently the answer is yes. According to an AP story in the Tennessean, 1,500 sheep jumped off a cliff in eastern Turkey, killing 450, and ruining the livelihood of about 26 families in the village of Gevas.

Were their little sheep lives so horrible that they had to jump? Or do sheep just naturally follow one another, off a cliff or not?

Animals do the weirdest things sometimes.


egalia said...

Maybe they know something we don't?
All the animals except the humans ran to high ground before the tusami (already I've forgotten how to spell it!).

melusina said...

Heh, yea, it is amazing how the animals behaved prior to the tsunami (it is a hard word to spell). I'd like to think our cats would give us an early warning prior to an earthquake here, not that I'd know where to go or what to do.