Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Where Do All the Spoons Go?

It seems my husband and I are veritable spoon consumers. Of all the silverware in the house, spoons seem to get used up the quickest. Everyday, when I look at the spoon supply, it seems to be dwindling. The numbers are dropping. Spoons are escaping our clutches somehow. The knives and forks stay in their same forces, nestled snugly in their little compartments in the silverware drawer. So where in the hell do all the spoons go? Is there some kind of Caribbean vacation for material goods? Are they in league with the socks? Is it something about common items that begin with the letter S?

If this keeps up, we'll have to buy more spoons. Is this the plan? Spoons disappear so more will be bought and then more spoons will disappear? Are the spoons gathering an army with the socks so they will defeat the world? Could we survive without spoons? I'm thinking no. Spoons are so versatile. You can even use them as forks if you have to, but you can't use a fork like a spoon, because stuff will fall through the cracks. And don't tell me we are going to end up a spork society. I think those died out in the 90's. But I tell ya, the minute I see a spoon wearing a Che Guevera t-shirt and shouting "viva la revolution!", I'm getting out of here!


Anonymous said...

Perhaps some thrill-seeking teenagers are plundering your spoons for a cheap (but clever) parlor trick:
magically hanging a spoon from one's nose:

1) take a clean spoon (not one of those large, jar head soup spoons) and rub it on your chin;

2) utter some nonsensical chant, e.g. "Abracadabra...", and beathe into the bowl of the spoon; and then

3) hang the magical spoon from the tip of your nose.

If you have not seen this "magical" spoon stunt pulled before, it is pretty impressive....

melusina said...

I've seen this trick before but cannot manage it myself.

Perhaps that is what happens to the spoons, they object to this trick the "lowly humans" do with them and so they run away to a spot safe for spoonhood.

Who knows!