Sunday, August 07, 2005

Can you believe it?

My husband is so bored without HIS computer and his flight simulator that he broke out the Playstation. No, not the Playstation 2, the Playstation. Now I get to listen to annoying Tekken noises all day!

On the upside, we did get about 15 of our 40-some odd boxes unpacked today, and managed to sort of find places to put everything. The family is still cleaning some stuff out of the apartment so we don't have room to unpack everything yet. Of course, top priority items included CDs, DVDs, and videotapes (and Playstation stuff). And we hooked up our washing machine so it was crazy laundry day. It is amazing how much laundry needs to be done after a big move. If only we had a dryer!


The SeaWitch said...

My husband was the same way when we moved. The first things unpacked were the computers, projector, and sound system. It took me more than a week to get the rest of the stuff unpacked. Please tell me you bought a clothes dryer. I can't live without mine and I don't care what Greeks dryer makes my clothes cleaner than leaving them outside on the line to be saturated with pollution and car exhaust fumes. I can also do 4 loads of laundry in a day...which is what I usually do because 'housework' and 'SeaWitch' are rarely ever found in the same sentence. LOL

melusina said...

No dryer for us, at least not in this apartment. There is no room for one. =(
I hate, hate, HATE drying clothes outside. I find it so weird that dryers aren't more common here, especially with the lack of space on balconies. I think dryers are better, one for ease of use (and getting more laundry done at a time), and secondly because all the lint and, in our case, cat hair, ends up in the filter, not still stuck to our clothes.

When we move to our house, though, we ARE getting a dryer.