Friday, August 26, 2005

A Dictator is born

Glad I don't live in Turkmenistan.

I think calling him "eccentric" is a nice word for what the Turkmenistan president is. Apparently he has banned all recorded music from public events, television, and weddings. He thinks that by doing this he can protect the country's culture.

Niyazov is known as "Father of the Turkmen People", while his acquaintances say that he believes he was sent by God to lead his people to an era he himself calls "Golden Era".

This "Father of the Turkmen People" has also banned opera and ballet, long hair and beards, car radios, and months have been named after him and his mother. Not to mention that his book is required reading for all Turkmenistan people.

Ok, so things in America aren't THAT bad. At least not let. I just really hope we don't end up with a month called "Barbara".

1 comment:

Vol Abroad said...

Hey, I want a month named after me, or maybe my cats.