Monday, August 15, 2005

Ode to my sister-in-law

My sister-in-law has the disadvantage of being the only girl amongst 3 male siblings. This can also have its advantages, but for the most part, it has meant a life of perpetual teasing, although good-natured teasing. On some level I can relate, as I had two brothers, so adding a third only compounds the teasing a little bit.

I love my sister-in-law. She is young, pretty, intelligent, kind and full of life. It is always fun spending time with her. But she often makes mistakes in her usage of English or her understanding of the words we have said (despite that, her knowledge of English is pretty damn good).

Today, my husband was talking about MS Flight Simulator with his family. His sister pipes in, and says "what is this flight stimulator?" to which we all burst out laughing. An interesting concept, no doubt.

Of course, I told her I wouldn't blog about it. But this is what blogs are for, right?


Rex L. Camino said...

Whenever Mrs. Camino does something the slightest bit embarassing now she immediately turns to me and says that it better not show up on the blog.

hobbes said...


melusina said...

Well, my sister-in-law didn't even know what a blog was until yesterday. So all is fair, right?