Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Shower bathroom

Our new apartment here in Thessaloniki is nice. It is spacious, probably around 1,000 sq. ft. or so, maybe a bit more. My in-laws spent a lot of money sprucing it up for us a bit, as it had been inhabited by my husband's grandparents for some 40 odd years. They retiled the hallway, retiled the kitchen and put in a new sink and counter, painted the main rooms, and totally redid the bathroom, with new tiles and new fixtures.

The thing is, the bathroom is so small, that the whole bathroom is basically the shower. It takes some getting used to, this shower bathroom idea. We've managed to make some good of it with a long shower curtain that wraps around the shower fixtures, so we can keep water off the toilet and the sink and the scary plug in the mirror over the sink, but of course, the floor ends up totally soaked. Mopping after every shower ended up being worthless, because the mop stayed so wet it didn't help much. Then my husband had the brilliant idea of getting one of those squigy rubber wipe-water-off-of-cars-when-washing-them things (I believe that is the technical term) so that works pretty well. Still, we have about an hour or two after every shower that the floor is still somewhat wet so we don't wear shoes or slippers in the bathroom and are very careful not to slip to our deaths on a leftover water/soap combo on the floor.

The irony here is this is the best damn shower I've had since I moved to Greece. The water pressure is good, the shower head rocks, and we have a new water heater which makes a ton of hot water that lasts forever. I guess we'll get used to it eventually, but it will be interesting when folks come to visit and we have to have 4 or 5 showers going on a day.


John Valentine said...

Sounds groovy. Can you turn the showerhead to where you can shower while you sit on the toilet? I can't imagine anything more perfect. Plug in a jambox to your scary plug, turn on some good tunes and relax on the can while you shower. Awesome!

melusina said...

Dude, if you plugged a jambox into the scary plug and sat on the toilet to shower you would definitely get electrocuted.

But you can sit on the toilet and shower if you want to. But then the toilet would get all wet.

Anonymous said...

Hey melusina,

Your blog "this post", leads me to believe you will find my information on bathroom showers and other bathroom subjects to be beneficial.

You are also welcome to publish your own experiences on bathrooms in my free directory ... sharing your knowledge will help others and you also get the benefit of recognition and a valuable backlink to your own blog. If you have a few minutes to spare, please have a look at my articles on bathrooms now!

Best Wishes

Electric Shower said...

If you like it don't change it. I have rented 3 different houses and not one has a shower I like to use.

Too little pressure, too much pressure, too small, etc...

I am fussy mind.
