Thursday, August 25, 2005

Victory for Hong Kong homosexuals

A judge has struck down Hong Kong's sodomy laws, siding with a 20-year-old homosexual man who challenged the measures -- including one that demanded a life sentence for gay sex when one or both men are younger than 21.

A life sentence? Why was this law allowed when heterosexual and lesbian couples could do whatever they wanted after age 16? I guess the politicians like their hetero and lesbian porn, huh?

The judge ruled the anti-gay laws "discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation" and "are demeaning of gay men who are, through the legislation, stereotyped as deviant."

In the ruling, High Court Judge Michael Hartmann also said that the laws are a "grave and arbitrary interference with the right of gay men to self-autonomy in the most intimate aspects of their private lives."

Apparently, the decision can still be appealed by Hong Kong's government, but it seems the government has already been debating on a law that would prohibit discrimination against homosexuals, and this ruling could help push things forward.

Another positive step in the world. Maybe someday people will not even care if someone is homosexual or not.

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