Ever since I moved overseas, I find myself doing something I never thought I'd do. No, it isn't something exotic, like deep sea diving or hang-gliding, it is something rather odious, but important - voting. Sure, yea, when I lived in Nashville I registered to vote when I was 18 and voted in most presidential primaries and elections since then. But all these general elections, even congressional elections, well, I couldn't be bothered to drag my sorry ass to St. Bernard's Academy amidst all the campaigners and signs and the potential of waiting in line (yea, doubtful in such elections, although my district was pretty keen on voting, what with all the young professionals and families). Not to mention I paid no heed to when elections would be held, who was running, what their platforms were, what the referendums were or what would be entailed in a yes or no vote.
I'm not sure what it is that has prompted me to become more aware of Tennessee and Metro Davidson politics in the last 3 years. Is it some sense of civic duty, now gained at a more mature age? Is it related to my ex-pat status, fulfilling a need to be connected in some way to the place that was my home for most of my life (and the place I still consider home, for all practical purposes)? Or is it simply the fact that the ballots are delivered to my door, easy to complete and mail back?
Hard to tell, I suppose, but for now, I plan to keep voting, keep reading, and keep abreast of all the political issues in America, Tennessee and Nashville. Hopefully some day it will make a difference.
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